Wednesday, April 11, 2012

9.) Colors

"Green is a lovely colour. It is the colour of Islam. It is my favorite colour." - Pi
After being at sea seeing predominatly only the colors orange and blue, the green of this lush island was a god sent. His three religions were very important to him, Islam being the latest addition to his arsenal was mentioned in this quote. He held his religions very deep to his heart, they helped him survive.

Orange doesn't have much symbolism but many phyisical relations to the story. First of all, the second main character is a tiger. Tiger's are orange. Also the raft, where he spent seven months of his life, was orange along with all the supplies aboard the lifeboat. An important supply that was directly pointed out as orange would be the small collection of whistles. These whistles were the reason Pi was able to successfully tame Richard Parker, the tiger, into subordination. Without them he would've been killed by Richard Parker.

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