Friday, April 20, 2012

12.) Interview

This will be with a psychologist since, he no doubt, would need psychiatric help after his ordeal.
"So Pi, how have you been coping, since you got back? How is your mental state?"
"Actually doctor, I'm perfectly fine."
"I highly doubt that Pi. You were alone for seven month's at sea. That leaves deep impressions in your psyche, there's no way you can be perfectly fine."
"But I wasn't alone I had Richard Parker."
"I'm sorry to have to repute your claim, especially since you've had so much training in the matter, but I am fine. Would you like know how?"
"Please, enlighten me." Sitting back in chair he crossed his legs, reeking in false superiority.
" I'm okay because my Gods have allowed me to. I begged for forgiveness for the atrocious sins I committed on that boat. I felt a holy presence inside me, comforting me. I got an overwhelming feeling of peace, almost as if they had taken away all the bad and left me unharmed. God has given me the strength to go on in this world, I need nothing more. I don't need any medication, or someone to talk to. I am at peace." Pi gets up from the couch, and heads toward the door.
" Pi wait! You have another 43 minutes left, we must dig deeper into past in order to fix what's broken."
Pi pause at the open door and looks back toward the psychologist, "How could you, a mortal man, dig deeper the almighty lord? How could you, a mortal man, fix what god has already deemed unbroken? Who gives you the right to say what is broken and what is whole."
The psychologist stares dumbfounded at the door and watches as his patient shuts the door behind him. 

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